Brokers with the terminal eToro OpenBook

6 0 0
Min. deposit
Max. shoulder

eToro OpenBook is a social online platform that allows you to follow the trades of traders broker eToro to copy and make their own trading operations, which could be subject to copying other users of the system. Platform OpenBook was launched in 2011, eToro, and now has more than 4.5 million traders. Then in 2015, has experienced the integration of trading platforms and OpenBook WebTrader, the result of which was an online platform that is built on the principle of a social network. Thanks to the CopyTrader features and Popular Investors, millions of traders around the world can copy trades to each other and to communicate with other investors.

The advantages of the trading platform OpenBook

  • eToro OpenBook – the first social investment platform in the world;
  • The ability to communicate with other traders and investors, to comment on their transactions, participate in discussions, etc.;
  • The intuitive interface of the trading platform;
  • Transparent trade statistics of traders and strategies for copying.
  • The ability to trade not only online but also in mobile applications iPhone and Android;
  • The presence of a demo account;
  • A wide choice of trading instruments.

How to start trading on the eToro OpenBook?

In order to begin to copy the trades of other users of the online platform OpenBook, you must:

  1. Open an account with a broker eToro and Deposit it in a convenient way;
  2. To run the platform OpenBook and by searching on the page "People" find the best broker traders eToro;
  3. Read the information in the profile of the trader, its trade statistics and the number of investors copying his trades;
  4. On the page "Markets", you can choose the trader depending on the trading instrument, which you want to invest;
  5. TargetAB of trader that you want to copy, click the Copy button, putting a proportion of their capital (up to 40% of the Deposit for a single trader);
  6. You can invest in several traders, creating investment portfolios;
  7. At any time you can cancel the transaction or stop copying a trader.